Privacy Policy

The Main Thing: Your Email Address

If/when you sign up for my newsletter, your email address will be stored securely on MailerLite’s servers (not on this site). I never sell, swap, or share my subscriber list for any reason. Users can unsubscribe at any time using the dedicated link at the bottom of any newsletter email.


This website may use cookies. Most cookie functionality built into this site is not currently in use, e.g., for user log-in, blog posting, or blog comments.

Affiliate Links

This site does not use affiliate links.


This website uses analytics software to track non-identifying visitor information, such as page views and search terms that led to this site.

Limitation on Your Usage

You may not copy, modify, distribute, license, disseminate, display, reproduce, transfer, sell, or offer to sell any material, information, product, image, video, text, code, or service viewed or obtained from this site without written permission from (mia at miawest dot com).


Updated 5 November 2023